Thursday, January 1, 2009

Monument of the Revolution

It was another bust during this New Year's week. We planned on taking Matt to the Templo Mayor Museum and the National Palace in the Zocalo. Surprise, surprise...they were both closed. Instead we walked around, Matt bought some souveneirs, and decided to head to the Monument of the Revolution. We were in luck because there was a street fair going on and we couldn't get enough! But this was no ordinary street had everything from cotton candy, shooting games (with a stuffed giant ape that shot water onto the crowd) to picture taking with real eagles! Prizes for some of these games included stuffed animals, games, and even baby rabbits. Luc even won a Snoopy piggybank for winning a dart balloon game. There were outdoor bars that served every drink under the sun. The funniest part was when the bartender served Luc's drink in a glass shaped like an ass...pretty ass-tastic! Later we went to the Nikko Hotel for Matt's last night out. We'll miss you Matto! Diablos!

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