Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Interlomas Centro Comercial:VIP Theater

On our movie nights we noticed there were VIP tickets that you could buy at the theater. The last time we went, I asked exactly what it was. Apparently, you can buy tickets in advance, reserve your leather recliner chair and have waiter service during the movie. Oh yeah, you can buy beer and cocktails too. Our curiousity was killing us and we decided to visit one of the VIP theaters. It looked like most of them were on the outskirts of the city, but the one in Interlomas would be the closest. Unfortunately, it was a bad movie week and the only watchable movie was 'Australia'. We have to remember that it was in the name of the VIP theater.

For those that don't know, Interlomas is a neighborhood in the Las Lomas area of the city. In the past 10 years Interlomas has exploded into a giant upscale neighborhood. To me, the reputation has surpassed Polanco as being the "it" spot to live. It has a more suburban feeling to it and is comprised of gigantic mansions as well as mid size houses. Many of the housing complexes are behind security gates. The only way to reach Interlomas by public transportation is bus, as there is no subway stop nearby. It caters to alot of expat families whose head of the household most likely works in the nearby Santa Fe business district.

We decided to take a cab there since we didn't know how to navigate by bus. If it's any indication, even the cab driver had no idea how to get to the mall. After about a harried 30 minutes later, we arrived at the Interlomas Centro Comercial. It was a blend of a shopping center and a mall. After finding the movie theater on the roof, we bought our tickets and picked our seats. As opposed to the regular movie tickets that are about $5 (USD), these VIP seats were about $10 (USD). We were early so we walked around for a bit.

When it was time for the movie, we stopped by the concession stand and the bar for some grub. When we walked in, it was amazing!! The theater was spotless, the leather seats reclined, and there were small tables with cupholders. This was the most comfortable environment to watch a movie aside from my living room couch. And it made watching 'Australia' that much more bearable!

1 comment:

Marc said...

Sweet movie set-up. Well worth the premium price!

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