I've always been more of a bus person than a subway person. In Mexico, the same goes. We have peseros (rides used to cost one peso) here or microbuses simply called "micros" which are small green and white buses. Now it costs about 3-4.50 pesos depending on your distance of travel. Seats are low to the ground and hold about 20 people. They're not government run, which is why there has been alot in the news about corruption and drivers over-charging passengers. It also explains why each one is like a snowflake...original. Some are pimped out with rims and race stripes. At night, some blast music and turn on black lights. Very reminiscent of my freshman college dorm room.
I find it amazing how smoothly the drivers handle those things w/a standard transmission, no power steering, collect fares, AND give change. Alot of Americans can't even drive stick!!!
We rode the bus early this am and thought it was a great photo op.